Designed as an electronic locking platform for indoor applications, the unit can be combined with any access control device to provide a self-contained electronic access solution. 作为一个室内应用的电子锁定平台,它能与人和访问控制设备相结合,从而提供一套独立的电子访问方案。
The system works with the79 contactless RFID electronic lock, which offers multiple locking options and is tamper-resistant. 系统可对79个免接触RFID电子锁起到控制作用,从而支持多种所选项也能防止被篡改。
Anti-lock braking system is a kind of electromechanical system that based on the conventional braking system and electronic control technology, to prevent the wheels from locking when braking. ABS是以传统制动系统的为基础,在制动时防止车轮抱死,并采用电子控制技术的机电一体化系统。